An Error Has Occured
OOPS! - there is a problem with the link you are trying to reach.
One of two things could have happened. Please read these carefully:
1: If you are a LINKCOUNTER MEMBER, it's possible you are still under our old "free" link tracking system.
LinkCounter.com is no longer a free service. In order for your links to work and to maintain your account, you
must login to the members area and update your account.
YOU MUST BE LOGGED IN if you wish to migrate all of your current data. Login now, click the link to "buy now"
which is located next to the expiration date in your account, and you will be good to go again.
If you have any questions, please contact LinkCounter Support.
2: If you are NOT a LinkCounter Member but have simply followed a link and ended up here, then oopsy... several
things could have occured, inluding step one above. OR, our member has not done their link properly, or the site
you are trying to reach is down, OR, etc, etc, etc.
DO NOT contact LinkCounter Support. There is absolutely nothing we can do. Contact the webmaster of the web site
or the person you received the email from. We simply delete these types of emails. We can't do a thing to make "their"
links work again.
Have a Great Day!
Lisa, Mike, and the LinkCounter Crew
"The Internet's Premiere Link Counting Service"
linkcounter homepage)